Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Independence Day

India is full of diverse cultures. Numerous traditions are followed in each and every part of our country. Major religions of the world live in harmony in our country. There was a time in the past when our nation was gripped tightly by the powerful  Britishers. They made our people slaves, thereby making them commit all kinds of horrendous work.  Thus, there is no doubt that India went through a terrible phase.  But  our people, full of determination and courage, fought tooth and nail against the British Raj. Ultimately, they achieved their freedom on 15th August 1947.

Happy Independence Day

Many leaders laid down their lives to gain freedom of our country. Thousands of people gave up their livelihood to join various silent protests being made by great leaders like Gandhi. Many more were tortured to death. This day is the day of the remembrance of not only the achievement of our country’s freedom, but also of the reminder of the sacrifices Indians made to free their motherland.

After Independence, India slowly but gradually started making advances towards development. Much progress was made as the time went on and is still being made in numerous fields like agriculture, urban and rural development, technology, etc.  The IT sector of the technology made tremendous progress and is still in continuation of being in the state of advancement. The gap that was made between the rich and poor by the notorious Britishers is slowly being filled.

So, let us all take a pledge of making India a developed country by putting every ounce of strength, determination  and  intelligence we have. Let us remember all our materials. SEO Aim Point pays a grand salute to all our freedom fighters and wish all Indians a very Happy Independence day.

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